Dr. Sullivan is a Strategic Advisor at Maple Health Group, where he is responsible for strategic guidance and oversight and execution of select client engagements. Dr. Sullivan brings nearly 15 years of experience as an HTA-focused health economist, covering academic, industry and payer perspectives.
Alongside his role at Maple Health Group, Dr. Sullivan is a health economist member of NICE Technology Appraisal Committee D, one of four equivalent decision-making committees who appraise pharmaceutical evidence submissions to NICE.
Dr. Sullivan joined Maple Health Group with a decade of HTA consultant experience across two technically focused HEOR consultancies. In his last role, Dr. Sullivan also worked in collaboration with the University of Exeter’s Peninsula Technology Assessment Group, providing independent review and critique of evidence submissions to the NICE Single Technology Appraisal process.
Dr. Sullivan holds a Ph.D. in Health Economics from the University of Sheffield. Prior to his doctorate, Dr. Sullivan earned his M.Sc. in Economics & Health Economics from the University of Sheffield.