Dr. Horscroft has around a decade of experience in HEOR and market access strategy. He has extensive experience in global HTA and market access planning, leading interdisciplinary HEOR-related projects (including HTA submissions), reimbursement landscaping and evidence generation strategy, with a focus on (ultra-)rare diseases.
Dr. Horscroft also has a wealth of experience in designing and implementing structured expert elicitation (SEE) studies to characterize the uncertainty surrounding key health economic model inputs, and regularly provides training to the pharmaceutical industry on this topic. Alongside colleagues at the University of York and University of Exeter, he co-developed STEER – publicly available resources for SEE – which has been referenced by multiple HTA agencies as the preferred method for eliciting expert judgements in the face of uncertainty.
Prior to joining Maple Health Group, he spent 7 years at BresMed (now Lumanity) delivering HTA-related projects including strategy and landscaping, stakeholder research, and reimbursement submissions.
Dr. Horscroft holds an MA in Natural Sciences (Pharmacology) and a Ph.D. in Physiology, both from the University of Cambridge.